Nativity makes every effort to assure parents have easy access to the information they need. Below are links to forms parents may need. Please let the School Office know if you have any questions.
Nativity Parent/Student Handbook
Nativity Tuition Policy
Field Trip Driver Form- we must have your information on file before you may drive on a field trip as well as have completed Virtus training
Free or Reduced Lunch Application
Medication Permit - Your child’s physician must provide the school documentation allowing the use of over the counter medication. Prescription medication must be in pharmacy labeled container (bottle, box) -- pharmacy label must have the following information: child’s name, name of doctor prescribing the medication, dose, frequency (time the dose is taken), date
Virtus - Protecting God's Children
School Board
The Nativity School Board gives counsel to the principal on matters of the school. It is made up of 5-8 parent members elected for 3 year terms. The pastor sits on the School Board as an ex-officio member to give guidance and maintain continuity within the parish community as a whole, to focus on vision and planning, not on the daily operation of the school. Meetings are held monthly.
The board helps to establish strategic planning with regard to: Philosophy, Catholicity, School, and Church Community. Specifically to make recommendations regarding curriculum, student services, facilities, development, marketing, and long-range planning.
What is PTO?
The mission of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to provide the opportunity for parents and teachers to work together for the good of our students. PTO is a parent lead and school sanctioned organization dedicated to supporting the educational experience of the children at our school. Members of the PTO spearhead many of the volunteer and fundraising efforts that make our school community thrive.
Who can be a Member of PTO?
Any parent, grandparent, or family member of a student can be a member of the PTO! PTO meets once a month and there are no fees to join. We rely on many different skill sets to accomplish all of our goals and we have room for ANYONE who wants to get involved. We welcome EVERYONE and we would love to see YOU involved this year!
Our meetings are on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. Attend a meeting and see where you fit in!